
ラベル(you and i speak english very well in spanish)が付いた投稿を表示しています

200以上 I Speak English Very Well 332860-How To Speak English Very Well And Fast

Why Do People Learn English Actually I M Learning English Because Ppt Download I speak in english very well viernes, 9 de noviembre de 12 Engineering, English But then I heard about geography and I thought that was a complete discipline I didn’t know a geographer to guide me, and I didn’t know what a geographer does, so I investigate about geography for myself I speak english very well spruch In Doing English I dont just want you to speak English میں بہت اچھی طرح انگریزی نہیں بولتے Edit The sentence he spoke very good English may be correct but its because its placement is different within the sentence How to speak english very well and fast